Welcome to Fernglen Farm.
1st Dairy Farm in NZ to be SPCA Animal Welfare Certified
Our Story
It all started during November 2015, when Dad cut out an article for us [children] about sheep milking… something that seemed a bizarre concept for agricultural enthusiasts. This sparked an interest which only grew when we looked further into the nutritional quality of the milk. The sheep milk ticked all the boxes as far as health and nutrition went, but just as importantly the lower environmental impact sheep have compared to other farmed animals, such as cattle, was the icing on the cake for our attraction to the concept.
From here, after lengthy research and planning, we convinced our parents, Jeff and Shirley, that instead of winding down for retirement they should embark on a new journey… and so it began!

Our passion for the agriculture industry, the environment, nutrition and living life well, fitted perfectly with the concept of sheep milking and the desire to produce high-quality sheep milk products. We wouldn’t be able to sell products we don’t genuinely believe in. Further fuel for our passion is the fact that there are currently numerous pressures on the Ag industry. This has inspired us to become a part of the change that is needed to help secure the future of an industry New Zealand relies so heavily on. We want to create products which have been produced the right way, focusing on health, sustainability and celebrating working with animals – something we as humans have done since the beginning of time.
Meet the A Team
I don’t think Mum (Shirley) and Dad (Jeff) would have anticipated being persuaded by the three of us [children] to make such a change in their lives in this photo, but here we are.
Dad – top left – Was hoping to slowly wind down into retirement, simplifying management systems to allow for more time off… however, he now finds himself upskilling on and off-farm. Dad has always been a very hard worker and great at the practical side of farming. Technology can be his stumbling block and at 55 he would much rather do a day’s shearing than be stuck inside on the computer banging away because it’s “stupid” and “doesn’t work.”
Mum – Top right – self-taught accountant, she is responsible for keeping Dad and I under control on the spending front and tries to be a family mediator. She too was looking forward to slowly winding down into retirement, thankfully she has decided to give up those sleep-ins she loves so much, instead, she’ll be awake at the crack of dawn for milking.

Ben – Middle – Eldest child by age but not by maturity. From the get-go he has constantly been fighting off attempts from Baeley and I for the favourite child spot, more recently he has been reverting to dirty tactics like doing washing or cooking tea for our parents. He studied Human Nutrition and Sports Science at Massey Uni, and has now completed his masters in this field to ensure our products are of the highest nutritional quality.
Baeley – Bottom right – Middle child of the family and the only girl so naturally got her way. Everything she does is done with intent to outdo Ben and I. She has completed an Agriculture Science degree with Honours at Massey. After working for PGG Wrightsons for a few years she has now returned home to be a full time member of the dream team. She puts her degree into practice and ensures we are able to feed our ewes top quality feed all year round.
Then there’s me (Cameron) – Bottom left – Being the youngest of the family competition to get one up on my older two siblings was always at the top of the list… this didn’t always work out for me. I have completed a bachelors in Agribusiness and Food Marketing and topped in off with a Masters in the same field of study. Since I’m the youngest it is only fitting that my role is to ensure things are done in a way that I’m happy with.

Our Farm
Fernglen farm has been home to us for nearly 30 years, in this time we have had a large focus on ensuring its sustainability – acting with consideration for future generations is key in our eyes. We have 60 hectares of high producing flat land, 75 hectares of terrace country, 237 hectares of hills and since our time here we have retired or planted 373 hectares of native bush and forest.
We also have a property 4km down the road which is run as part of the same system. Here there is 120 hectares of flat country, 100 hectares of hill country and 200 hectares of retired native bush. We love this land and feel very lucky to have such diverse terrain making it suitable for many different animal species (wild and farmed) to thrive.

Sustainable Practices
The environment is important to us, our aim is not just to sustain our current environment, but to improve the quality in all aspects of our ecosystems. We take a lot more carbon out of the atmosphere than we emit, CO2 is the largest greenhouse gas and reducing this will help minimise climate change. To protect water quality we have slip proofed all of our hills by scatter planting trees so that soil doesn’t slide into waterways which would result in degradation of its quality.
On top of this, we closely manage fertiliser and effluent application – applying it at times where there is minimal risk of any nutrients leaching into the waterways. We are also continually fencing off more streams to ensure stock can’t enter them. Mum (Shirley) and Dad (Jeff) won the Beef and Lamb Livestock Award at the Ballance Farm Environmental Awards in 2011, something we are all proud of.
1st Dairy Farm in NZ to be SPCA Animal Welfare Certified
All animals on the farm are treated with high ethical standards, working with animals is what we love doing. We have a philosophy of handling stock in a manner where they can naturally live healthy, only intervening if necessary to ensure our animals can continue to thrive. Our stock graze as they would in their natural environment – outside on pasture. We provide them with great shelter in the form of shade trees and shelterbelts so that when things get too hot or cold there is always a place for them to get out of the elements of nature.
In March, 2021, we became the first ever dairy farm in New Zealand to be awarded an Animal Welfare Certification from the SPCA, an achievment we are very proud of! We have generations of farming experience combined here at Fernglen, the animals are in very safe hands!
Our products

Probiotic Sheep Milk Yoghurt
A nutrient rich probiotic yoghurt with a smooth silky texture and a subtle tang. With only two ingredients; probiotic cultures and our milk, you’ll love this traditionally made yoghurt.

Whole Sheep Milk
Nothing Added, nothing taken away. Enjoy our full cream SPCA certified sheep’s milk which is a gentle option for those who can’t tolerate cow’s milk and is packed full of nutrition!

Prebiotic Flavoured Sheep Milk
Enjoy the benefits of sheep milk combined with natural prebiotics in our deliciously flavored range – perfect for a tasty, nutritious treat or on the go nutrition.